NYCM Insurance

Why choose NYCM Insurance?

  • Roadside assistance is available 365 days a week, 24-hours a day
  • Their customer service helpline is available 24/7, so that you always have a trained representative available whatever time of day
  • NYCM have more than 800 insurance professionals ready to help you

Did you know...?

  • If you install their inControl™ telematics device, you get a participation discount straight away, just for taking part
  • NYCM are a company you can really trust; they have an A+ accreditation with the Better Business Bureau and an A+ rating from AM Best, based on their financial strength
  • They won the GOLD Stevie Award for Customer Service Department of the Year in the Financial Services category
  • Customer Service: 800-234-6926
  • Claims: 800-234-6926

NYCM Discounts

  • EFT: Opt to get payments taken straight out of your account and automatically save 2.5%
  • New car: If you have a brand new car that's never been registered before, you can get a discount of up to 30%
  • Driver Training: If you're under 21 and completed driver's ed, you can save up to 10%
  • Airbag or seatbelt: Most modern cars have seatbelts and airbags, so you probably qualify for a 30% discount already
  • Student away from school: If one of drivers on your policy is at college away from home, you can save up to 25%
  • Accident prevention course: If you have taken a defensive driver course, you may qualify for a 10% discount
  • Alarm system: Does your car have an alarm? Save up to 25%
  • Daytime running lights: You know those lights that stay on all the time? They're getting you a nice discount of up to 3%

New York Central Mutual (NYCM) was originally founded in 1899, by the current CEO’s great-grandfather. Located in Central New York, NYCM are dedicated to serving the Empire State. Despite expanding over the past century, they still have offices in Edmeston, where they first started.

NYCM aim to make the insurance process as easy and efficient as they can. You can make a payment over the phone, by automatic monthly withdrawal or online. If you download their free app, you can even make a payment that way. With the NYCM app, you can also store your insurance ID cards so that you don’t have to search for lost pieces of paper.

Accident’s don’t just happen between 9 – 5. That’s why NYCM have a 24-hour claims line so that you can get your case moving. You can even download their free app and submit photos of the damage to get things moving even faster. Your claims representative will then send all of your details to a repair shop of your choice, keeping things as stress-free as possible.

You can choose from three different roadside assistance packages: Basic, Choice and Choice Plus. Depending on your package, NYCM’s roadside crew will jumpstart your battery, change your tire and even give you some gas just in case you run out.

Their inControl™ program gives you the opportunity to receive additional discounts based on your driving behavior. Plug a small device into your car for just 6 months and get feedback on your driving: harsh braking, aggressive acceleration and driving after hours.

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